So I think I may have forgotten to mention an important little fact here on the blog (but it's been on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram) - I have a brand new spanking job.
(in case you can't see the embedded video - which is basically Donald Duck at his new job with Dolly Parton singing over it - click here. If the video is there, just skip ahead to 5:15. My sister and I used to watch this duckumentary all the time, which is why this is probably only funny to me.)
I went in for a job interview on May 16, was hired right after my interview (seriously - my now-boss pretty much had my now-co-worker distract me with a tour while he thought the interview over) and started at work May 21. I've officially been the social media coordinator with Koch Ford Lincoln for two working weeks, and I love it!
It's so great being back at work (although I miss all the extra knitting, sewing and reading time). I get up every morning (at the crack of dawn) with a smile on my face and leave work feeling accomplished. I'm busy putting together a social media strategy for the company, so it's been a lot of research, reading and learning - all things I really love. The people here so far have been phenomenal, and I am so happy to be here.
Workin' 9-5
Friday, May 31, 2013
Posted by Laurie Callsen at 2:25 PM | Labels: edmonton vintage | Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook |
Congrats on the new job!! :)
The Fictionista
That's so awesome - it sounds like the kind of job I would wholeheartedly enjoy, too. Huge congrats, Laurie, I really hope your new job works out fabulous for you.
♥ Jessica
Congrats on the new job! Isn't it great to leap out of bed in a morning and look forward to the day ahead? Doesn't happen every day for me, but definitely outweighs the ones where I don't ;)
Congrats Laurie, that is wonderful!