As I said in my previous post, I'm participating in Apartment Therapy's January Cure. To help keep me on track, I've decided to give weekly progress on my cure. So, without further ado, here's week one.
Day 1: Make a project list - DONE
Step 1 was easy-peasy for me. I'm a total list junkie so I had no problem in writing these down. I use Google Drive so that the list is always accessible and nicely organized. I even got some things done even though they weren't assigned! I've had most of these ideas bouncing in my head for a while, and getting them written down and categorized made them seem much smaller.
Day 2: Set Up Your Outbox - DONE
Again, this was fairly easy. Our spare room is our "outbox" in the sense where everything that doesn't quite have a home is put there. I have somethings mentally ticked as outbox items (like some dresses I'm no longer in love with, or some hair product that I've been meaning to gift to my sister) that just haven't been acted on yet.
Day 3: Weekend Chores: Flowers, Floors, Green Cleaners and Outbox - 50% DONE
Assignments this weekend included buying flowers (done), vacuuming and mopping floors (not done), stock up on green cleaners (I use vinegar and borox already, so done) and using the outbox (done). The only reason I didn't vacuum is because we ran out of vacuum bags and couldn't find more in the store, so I'm going to have to investigate where to find them before I tackle that one. But we knocked off a lot of things on my project list as well as had some fun, relaxing time (Ian's finally geting me to watch a bunch of movies I haven't seen, starting with Lord of the Rings.)
Now, I'm off for some thrifting fun now that the snow has stopped falling. Are you doing the January Cure? How is your progress going so far?
XO Laurie
#JanuaryCure: Week 1
Sunday, January 6, 2013
Posted by Laurie Callsen at 1:02 PM | Labels: alberta vintage, edmonton vintage, january cure | Email This BlogThis! Share to Twitter Share to Facebook |
You're off to a fantastic start, way to go! Hope you had a terrific day of thrifting.
♥ Jessica
This is a great idea and you seeem to be doing great so far. Problem I find is once you get started you keep adding to the lists (like you with your kitchen :), lol! But nothing beats a list! Look forward to seeing more progress :) xx