As anyone who knows me well can tell you, I'm fairly pathetic when it comes to making decisions. Which is why I need your help deciding what to wear for my cousin's wedding, which will be outdoors and around 17 degrees this Saturday. We're getting ready at home and driving there, so I need to wear something that breathes and travels well.
I've narrowed it down to two choices. #1 is this modern dress by Joe Fresh with Payless red wedges.
It's summery and light, but is a little wrinkled (I would iron) and might get moreso on the 4 hour drive.
Dress #2 is this vintage green dress from Imagine Vintage.
It's out of focus but you get the gist. |
Please ignore the ugly stockinglettes, I had to see what these felt like with nylons on. |
It's a little bit heavier, which might be good if it's windy and is a bit more dressy than the first. The only con is the shoes are a little bit too tight, but generally when I wear nylons they seem looser, so we'll see how that goes. Worse comes to worse I'll wear these to the wedding then run around afterwards to find suitable flats for dancing/drinking. I would be wearing
What Katie Did seamed stockings with both, to hide my embarrassing mosquito bites.
Also, here's what I'm wearing for the rest of my day (biking riding, being lazy in the sunshine before the thunderstorm later.)
New lippy: Covergirl 305 - Hot Passion |
Hopefully you can't tell, but I stole the boy's boxers to wear as bicycle shorts. ha! |
Please please let me know what you think of my wardrobe choices, or if I should dash it all and wear something else!
The first dress is gorgeous, but I absolutely LOVE the green one. I definitely think you should go with that choice! Very classy and it looks fantastic on you. =)
Love both! You will look smashing in anything you choose!
GREEN! That dress is beautiful and you can guarantee there won't be anything like it.
I hope you'll share photos?
I'm also for green, but I almost feel like it needs something extra, like a flower pin or something. Or why don't you wear the shoes from the first photo with the green dress? Red and green are complimentary colours, and I feel like it'd give the whole outfit more... (I don't even know what word I'm looking for...haha) just something more.
Oh, the second dress is a dream!! The unexpected back detailing is gorgeous. I had the same thought as Miriam, though... why not pair the red shoes with it?
Panache? haha I have lots of white hair flowers, I'll probably bust one of those out. I also found tooooons of light coloured shoes on Payless's website. So I may just have to buy some (but I'll wear them lots!)
Green and red may seem too Christmassy, but I'll have to try it! I also have orange shoes, and black shoes, and purple shoes....
ALSO, funny story: the back is just as modest as the front. I just didn't zip it up all the way in the first photo. *derp*
yes I vote for the green dress too! It's gorgeous and very sophisticated! I also really like the first one, it's a smashing summer dress, but I think the green one is more "dressy" and would be great at a wedding! Hope you have a wonderful day tomorrow! :)
GREEN DRESS it is just so much more classy and I think you should dress classy for a wedding.
So, I think green dress wins! And I've packed both the white and red shoes to be on the safe side :D
Green Dress and Red Shoes perfect combination.